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Showing posts from January, 2019

Project #3: Mythical Bell Jar

There are 3 parts to this project... Taxidermy  Create a fictional creature ripped from the wildness of your imagination.    i. A  Jack-a-lope  of sorts, made from found materials.   This creature is the subject of your Bell Jar.   > Name it. > Create a  context  for the subject with objects/materials of the natural environment that once supported it. > Where was it discovered?  By whom?  Date found? ii. Create a wall label noting the fictional name, etc. for your artifact:  Artifact  / Country of origin  / Date / Media Dimensions H” x W” x D” of subject / other known information / reproduction behavior / carnivore / omnivore / herbivore / etc. iii. Create a WALL TEXT document in 6 paragraphs .  This should be a fictional account of the artifact in the Bell Jar.   Note its place of origin, characteristics, other facts about your "discover...