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Showing posts from February, 2019

Course Calendar re-post #1

WK 4 MO FEB 18 Accessioning & Deaccessioning of Artifacts WE FEB 20 Accessioning & Deaccessioning of Artifacts Introduce Project #4 Ted Talks & More / video reponses and collaborative student projects 3 per team FR FEB 22 Site Visit:  Stone Quarry Hill Art Park   315-655-3196 3883 Stone Quarry Rd., P.O. Box 251, Cazenovia, NY 13035       WK 5 MO FEB 25 “Sex and the Suffrage Movement: What Does Sex Have to Do with the Suffrage Movement?” Washburn Lecture delivered by Dr. Susan Goodier, MacDonald Lecture Hall, 2:45 PM Meet in MacDonald Lecture Hall instead of class - sign in sheet with Pepper WE FEB 27 Responsibilities of gallery / museum staff FR MAR 01 Site Visit:   Matilda Joslyn Gage House Foundation   (315) 637-9511   210 E. Genesee St. Fayetteville, N.Y. 13066  ...

Two Documentary Films

Assignment:  take thorough notes while watching the award winning documentary films. Submit in your Binders. Make sure you include all bibliographic information. Art of the Steal  This film looks at the controversy surrounding the art collection of Dr. Albert C. Barnes, a millionaire who amassed a remarkable selection of significant works during the early 20th century. Barnes sought to keep his priceless pieces together as part of his foundation even after his death,  the  involvement of numerous parties led to the scattering of his collection. This documentary sheds light on how his wishes were violated by a handful of opportunistic individuals. Initial release :  September 12, 2009 Director :  Don Argott Music composed by :  West Dylan Thordson Initial DVD release :  July 27, 2010 Production company :  MAJ Productions Cast :  Albert C. Barnes Herb & Dorothy Herb &...

Project #4: Ted Talks & More

Videos:  Concepts of the Cultural Collective 1.  Weaving Narratives . Thomas P. Campbell 16:37 Published on Oct 5, 2012 As the director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Thomas P. Campbell thinks deeply about curating—not just selecting art objects but placing them in a setting where the public can learn their stories. With glorious images, he shows how his curation philosophy works for displaying medieval tapestries—and for the over-the-top fashion/art of Alexander McQueen. (From The Design Studio session at TED2012, guest-curated by Chee Pearlman and David Rockwell.) Questions to answer: 1i. What are the concerns of the historical museum? What is their purpose? 1ii. What problems incur in museums ? 1iii. What is said about electronic / digital media as compared to authentic objects? 1iv. What are the possible solutions that the Director suggests? 1v.  Other pertinent information you wish to add.    2.  How I learned to sto...